What are the Salaries of ISRO Scientists in 2024?

Salaries of ISRO scientists

The salaries of ISRO scientists are determined by the organized hierarchy within the organization. A fresh engineering graduate starts his career in ISRO as “Scientist/Engineer-C” or SC/SE and then is promoted to “Scientist- D” or SD then “Scientist-E” or SE and then “Scientist-F” or SF. In ISRO scientist or engineer is the same designation.

Salaries of ISRO scientists

SC or Scientist-C is an entry-level position for a scientist or engineer with a master’s degree. SD or Scientist-D denotes science having experience and holding a Ph.D. degree and leading R&D. SE or Scientist-E is a senior scientist having a Ph.D. degree and leading teams and big projects. SF or Scientist-F is the most senior scientist with a Ph.D. degree and they manage teams, and major projects and provide strategic direction to ISRO.

Salaries of ISRO scientists

According to Unstop a hiring platform, entry-level engineer/scientist c or SC salary is Rs 15,600 to Rs 39,100, and at the SD/SE/ and SF level they earn between 37,000 to 67,000 per month, these data are not officially confirmed. However ISRO scientist avails multiple benefits of their basic pay, these include HRA (House Rent Allowance), TA (Travel Allowance), Dearness Allowance (DA), medical allowance, and much more.

Distinguished scientists earn around 2 lakh per month whereas the Chairman of ISRO earns 2.5 lakh per month and gets many other benefits. The salaries of ISRO scientists are low if we compare them with other space agencies in the world, also this is the main reason why IITians are not choosing ISRO. The average package of an IIT graduate is around 18-30 lakh per annum. In the future Salaries of ISRO Scientists may increase to a significant level,

ISRO offers job security, good work-life balance, and many other perks so ISRO is still the favorite destination of many IIT graduates to start their careers.

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