ISRO’s historic 100th launch by the GSLV-F15 rocket to deploy the NVS-02 satellite at 111.75ºE in GTO, replacing IRNSS-1E, is scheduled for 29th January at 6.23 am IST from Shri Harikota. NVS-02 lift-off mass is around is 2250 kg and power handling capacity around 3kw. GSLV-15 is the 17th flight of GSLV ( Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV).
NVS-02 Satellite: NavIC’s Next-Gen Technology
The NVS-02 is the second satellite in the series of five satellites in the second generation of the NavIC system, named NVS-01, NVS-02, NVS-03, NVS-04, and NVS-05 are designed to replace older satellites and to enhance performance in terms of better accuracy, longer-life span, reliability and additional frequency bands.
The NVS-01, the first in a series of second-generation satellites of the NavIC system, was launched by GSLV-F12 in May 2023. It is the first time the satellite uses an indigenously developed atomic clock.
The NVS-02 satellite features a combination of foreign and indigenous atomic clocks for precise time estimation and a lifespan of approximately 12 years. This satellite includes navigation payloads in L1, L5, and S bands, as well as a ranging payload in the C-band, like its predecessor NVS-01. It uses the L1 frequency, which is utilized by the USA-based GPS and commonly used in smaller tracking devices like fitness bands.
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The first satellite of the NavIC system, IRNSS-1A, was launched in 2013 with a lifespan of 10 years. Two subsequent satellites in the constellation were launched in the following years, but replacements were needed much earlier than their mission life due to atomic clock malfunctions.

The U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC) of ISRO in Bengaluru designed and developed NVS-02 with the support of other ISRO satellite centers.
Status of NVS-02 Satellite
This satellite successfully inserted in GTO ( Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit ) by GSLV-F15 rocket, but due to malfunctioning of valve in liquid apogee motor, so the satellite failed to achieve its intended GEO ( Geosynchronous Earth Orbit ) and failed to replace IRNSS-1E, this satellite is in healthy condition and communicating to the ground station. You can get detailed valuable information in this article. Why did ISRO’s NVS-02 NaVIC satellite fail to reach its intended orbit?
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